My dress calls me 10.
Boys call me a 6 or 7.
The school calls me 97_4_3.
My birth certificate calls me 17.
My GPA calls me 3.864.
My bank account calls me 113.28.
The ACT calls me a 32.
Does it matter that I call myself Alis?
They say that schools kill creativity. No offense to the math fans, but I think that the death of divergent thinking comes with the concept of numbers.
I was always given a number with my cubby in elementary. It was always around 16 or 17. I was defined by that number. It was written next to my name on all of my papers. The teachers gave numbers that we knew as well as our own names to be used interchangeably.
They say that schools kill creativity. No offense to the math fans, but I think that the death of divergent thinking comes with the concept of numbers.
I was always given a number with my cubby in elementary. It was always around 16 or 17. I was defined by that number. It was written next to my name on all of my papers. The teachers gave numbers that we knew as well as our own names to be used interchangeably.
It was their way of making us their own: erase our names woven with love and beauty and replace them with utilitarian numbers, creating machines that think linearly.
Teach me about 1+1 and the importance of the 5 paragraph essay format. Insert numbers into my writing. I'll tell you that 1+1=skis and prewriting is a waste of my time.
Teach me about 1+1 and the importance of the 5 paragraph essay format. Insert numbers into my writing. I'll tell you that 1+1=skis and prewriting is a waste of my time.
The world thinks with the numbers that come from its head instead of the words that come from its heart.
Names are too personal. They want to be able to cut you down remorselessly.
Don't name the chickens. They'll be on the table soon enough.
That's why I can't be a number.
I'm not a number.
I'm not a number.
I'm not a number.
I am A l i s
I am A l i s
I am A l i 19
I am A l 9 19
I am A 12 9 19
I am 1 12 9 19
--1 12 9 19